Tatiana: All About Me

Hello. My name is Tatiana Criucova and I am currently a senior at Hill Regional Career High School, but I will be graduating in a few days so I will actually be a rising freshman in college. In college, I hope to study either global affairs or journalism. I am extremely interested in learning different languages and my end goal is to go to law school, ultimately going into international law and policy. Although I am looking to go into humanities, I still enjoy science and mathematics. Throughout my time in high school, I would have to say that my favorite scientific topic has been physics. I never really enjoyed biology and although I did like chemistry a lot, physics has captivated me the most. Aside from school and learning, some things that I enjoy doing are reading a lot (especially science fiction), playing the piano, hiking, and playing with my cat.

I am really looking forward to my internship with Professor Arcé this summer because I hope to a lot more about astronomy and gain experience with working with formal scientific research. For a little part of my life, I was actually looking to major in astronomy in college and pursue some part of it as a career. Last summer, I had the incredible opportunity to attend an astrophysics program where I learned how to use the telescopes at the Yale Observatory and how to code a little bit. Although during my time there I changed my mind about making it my career, I still never lost interest in learning about it. This internship will allow me to look into a topic that I am already interested in and perhaps give me a different perspective about what a career in astronomy involves.


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