PI Research (Daniela)

This summer I will be working on a project at the CRISP research center. One of my PIs is Dr. Christine Broadbridge, her work focuses on nanostructures for microelectronics and optoelectronics as well as scanning probe and electron microscopy. All of her work has implications to material science and nanotechnology. My research and project will revolve around inter-disciplinary materials science, so her strong background in materials science and microelectronics will definitely be helpful with the questions I will likely have throughout this experience. I don't have a lot of background knowledge when it comes to materials science, but since it is an inter-disciplinary project I hope that there is more opportunity for me to explore.
After I read a bit about the research conducted at CRISP, I was very puzzled about the physics involved in interface materials. I was able to decipher some of the chemistry (dipoles and semi-conductors) that was mentioned, but I lack some of the background revolved  around interface reactions and behaviors.
In the research paper, the encountered the term ferroelectric, this relates to the reverse of polarization. Metal oxide semiconductor devices are fabricated using oxidized silicon and has a gate that controls the conductivity of a device. Another word I encountered a nonvolatile memories and is used for long term storage in a computer.


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