First Impression (Sarah Azmal)

What are your first impressions of your summer research experience? Is it what you expected? Why are why not? What was most interesting or surprising?

My first impressions of my summer research experience is harder than I thought it would be. For me, my internship is about paleontology which is pretty much fossils, and in my head, I thought the stuff that I would be working on would be easy because your pretty limited on what to work with since it just fossils. But instead what I am working on it's more complicated than it looks like.

There are IP and VP which is invertebrae/ vertebrae paleontology and what I do for both is just taking pictures of either fossil with vertebrae and without and going through a process where I save a picture and make it into this final picture where it would go straight into a website called idigpaleo. But what caught off guard was cataloging fossils. The process of cataloging fossils is so tedious. And the process is so long and since there are millions of fossils it would take forever to catalog a bunch of fossils. What shocked me the most was that what the stuff that I am working on is what people actually do as a job. For me, I don't think I would want to catalog for a job because of how time summing and tedious it is. But to think that people actually like doing that is really shocking for me. Also what surprised me was also the monster creatures that used to live in the western interior seaway. 


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